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2023-09-14 英语词典


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adj.1.a gale-force wind is very strong and often causes damage to buildings and trees

1.亡命之灾 ... 雪岭雄心 Trapped:Buried Alive 亡命之灾 Gale Force 姐弟的承诺 A Brother's Promise:The Dan Jansen Story ...

2.狂风是 ... 风暴是: tempest 狂风是gale force 飞机场: Sparrow nest ...


4.烈风程度 gale 烈风;烈风程度 gale force 烈风程度 gale force wind 烈风 ...


1.Its sounds are also impressive, from dogs creeping up on you to the gale force wind blowing past your ear.它的音效也很棒,从狗儿们往你身上趴到大风刮过你的耳际。

2.On the more exposed hill tops the gale force winds threatened to blow the car off the road and into the soggy turf alongside .当车行驶到一些小丘顶时,暴风几乎把车吹下路旁湿透的草地。

3.No fatalities and only two serious injuries were reported, but efforts to assess damage were further hindered Sunday by gale-force winds.目前报告无人死亡,只有两例严重受伤,灾害评估因周日刮起的狂风而进一步受到阻碍。

4.Winds were calmer earlier this morning but forecasters say the gale-force winds will return, just making it even harder for the fire crews.今早风势已经减弱,但是天气预报称,迅猛的大火将回归,对于消防员来说,灭火工作更加艰难。

5.More than 100 homes have been evacuated after floods and gale-force winds caused disruption across Cornwall.在整个康沃尔遭遇了洪水和强风,并引发了毁坏之后,100多个家庭已经撤离。

6.My prediction for the worldwide weather is record-breaking floods and gale-force winds.对于全球气候,我预计会出现打破历史记录的洪水和烈风。

7.Forecasters are predicting more of the same this week as rain and gale-force winds sweep in.气象部门专家预测,这个星期,强风和多雨的天气还将持续。

8.Gale-force winds have hampered the efforts of the firefighters.大风妨碍了消防员的救火工作。

9.BEIJING "AP" - A storm with gale-force winds killed 20 people and seriously injured 117 in central China, state media said Thursday.北京“美联社”-一场带有强风的暴风雨在中国中部造成20人死亡,117人受重伤,国家媒体(在)星期四说。

10.But the influence of Italian masters blew at gale force across 17th-century Dutch painting.但是意大利的大师们对17世纪荷兰画坛影响巨大。
